Terms of service.

Below are the agreements signed upon enrollment:

I hereby release the authority to The Way Coffee Co. to provide transportation as needed for relevant educational activities, not limited to walking, riding in personal vehicles, and buses/vans.

Other students are NOT authorized on behalf of our organization to transport each other during instructional time. Qualified, insured staff members or vetted volunteers are the only ones who will be responsible for transportation.

The Way Coffee Company and its staff have the right to refuse transportation services to any learner who does not comply with safety rules and regulations while moving to another location. This includes refusal to wear seat belts, inability to walk with a group or other behavioral concerns to the discretion of the staff. 

The inability to transport students to sales and learning experience locations hinders the employment experience aspect of our rounded curriculum.

NOTE: Photographs taken in the general area/classroom of The Way Coffee Co. that include students who do not wish to be shared on social media, may be included within the publications, but will have their faces covered. (Please contact the program director if there are any issues with this plan)

NOTE: There is a motion-activated camera on the trailer used for situations needed. This footage is not shared or saved on the cloud without specific prearranged events. This footage will however be saved with law enforcement or guardians in light of needed situations.

I hereby affirm that such release to the release does not constitute any form of compensation, including royalties arising from the photographs, to my benefit.

I understand and agree that photographs in the possession of the releasee shall become the property of the releasee. The use and publication of the photographs, however, shall conform to my rights as a subject of said photographs.

I hereby waive my right to inspect of approve the photographs by which my likeness appears.

Note that enrolling in The Way Coffee Co. will include collecting anonymous data to analyze program efficiency. Any instruction will be from learning facilitators that are vetted appropriately. Program instruction is designed and overseen by certified staff in the state of Michigan. However, this program is NOT a substitution for a certificate, diploma, food safety certificate, transition center, high school, or any other K-12 or 0-26 institution. Instead, this is a private supplementary program to provide students with extra support. Signing the sheet is a bound recognition that this program is not being understood as a full-time schooling or full-time employment option.

Our program is private tool for local families and schools, and not a right under FAPE, IDEA, or a substitute for a certificate, diploma, or state transitional services. The Way Coffee Co. retains the right to discontinue services at any point.