Where unique learning needs meet empowering employment experiences.

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The Way Coffee Co. is an employment experience & curriculum for young adults with learning differences.

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We offer shipping of certain items as well as gift cards to be used at any of our locations!


“The Way Coffee gives our students work experience. They enjoy it and they look forward to it being a part of their week. Students are able to get real world learning in a project setting. This helps them get off of online classes while earning credit. Students that go on to get a job after this experience have better interactions with customers and more confidence overall. We are excited to partner with them in this way. ”

— Danielle (Whaley’s Children Center)

“As a mother of a young adult with an ultra-rare disease, finding the right fit for my son, Devin, in traditional education and employment settings has always been a challenge. The Way Coffee Co. has been a true gift by offering employment and training program that meets students where they are. It not only provided Devin with valuable job skills, but it also taught him essential life skills, such as self-advocacy and confidence. Watching him grow in a supportive environment, surrounded by people who understand his unique needs, has been heartwarming. This experience has made a real difference in his life, giving him the foundation to pursue his future with greater independence.”

— Nicole (Mom)

“I have watched Stephen grow in confidence in his abilities. He is learning to recognize on his own what jobs need done and takes the initiative to start and complete them. He has always been shy but is having fun interacting with customers. He thanks me every day for enrolling him in this program!”

— Judy (Program Parent)

“As a parent of a child with special needs, the Way Coffee is such an encouragement to me! This is a place and a space in our community for my child to further her independence in a setting that is specifically designed to help her succeed. I have been excited to share with friends and family about the quality of the experience and the product- I believe the Way Coffee will pave the way for more businesses like it!” - Jen (Author & Parent)


Check out where we will be working on our trailer- Visit, support us, & buy some quality products!

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:6-7 ESV