Our nonprofit, instructional program is committed to providing a meaningful curriculum and employment experience for young adults with learning differences.


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Our Vision

  • Quality Products

    By choosing to purchase goods from us and support this mission, you deserve the best! As we curate our menu, we are committed to supplying Michigan products that align with our mission and beliefs.

  • Meaningful Instruction

    Small group, hands-on experiences with a qualified and committed special educator are invaluable and a missing gap in the education process. This program is designed to take the powerful parts of teaching process, with the autonomy to leave the rest.

  • Employment Experience

    Our unique “experience” can be found much less intimidating than consistent employment, while still enriching for students. We work as a safety net as students navigate finding sustainable employment upon completing our program.

  • "Olivia and her team of support are passionate and eager to serve the Fenton community and impact the lives of others in a great way. It's exciting to see the energy, hard work and dedication to this mission play out! Highly recommend getting involved, supporting and sharing the word!"

    C. Lozon

  • "I have known and worked with Olivia for almost 8 years. She is hard working, motivated and passionate about the work she does. Her desire to serve and support her community has never been more present. This ministry will change the world..or at least Fenton, MI. A very worthwhile mission to partner with."

    E. Moore

Mike & Tammy:

“As parents of a moderately high-functioning, young adult with Down syndrome, we've had difficult times trying to find the right place for Nathan to continue to grow and learn following his high school graduation.  There are numerous programs for lower functioning special needs kiddos, but finding a place that can build upon his high school years, that can teach him monetary and time management skills in a structured yet business-oriented environment. The Way Coffee is what he and many others in his situation need to succeed in life.  This will hopefully give him the ability to find meaningful employment after his Way Coffee training with someone who is compassionate and understands what these young adults need to live a successful and meaningful life.”

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

John 14:6-7 ESV